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Steven Mark | Vocalist | Visionary Artist | Genuine Soul

New York City is host to many talented and strong people, Steven Mark is definitely one of them. Produced by Matt Wilcox, Steven Mark sings to the beautiful neo-classical violin of Audrey Morse, George Dithey holding the Cello, accompanied by piano that could rival the masters of the art composed by Steven himself.

. I believe we have the next Main Stage Performance at Coachella Music Festival before our very eyes.

The latest EP release from our friend Steven, "The Long Goodbye" rings of truth, passion, and personal experiences that the world deserves to hear. This five song EP is full of thoughtful self-reflection, and I implore anyone with a heart to listen to it in its entirety. Coming out September 4th, 2020 I was able to catch this exclusive thanks to Steven letting me review his newest work.

This EP will take you on an emotional journey through memories, nostalgia, of all the good times and bad. One thing that I was left with after listening to these tracks is that no matter what happens in your life, it was worth the effort 100%. The song Under Water displays this idea strongly as the strings hold strong throughout the piano's melodic gracefulness.

If I had to pick a favorite song from "The Long Goodbye" I would have to choose Cloudy. The arrangement is laid down perfectly between Morse's strings and Wilcox's piano. The song itself is about the hardships of life and their effect on a relationship, and the idea of ending one after growing apart. "Just wanted you to get a little glimpse of me." from the chorus is a line that I will forever hold to my heart. I have fallen in love with this music, quickly.

A great example of Steven Mark's vocal range is the song High For You. You can also expect to hear another lovely piano progression. The lyrics describe what it's like to be so passionate about another person that you would seemingly do anything for them, but don't let me tell you. Wait until you hear it for yourself and you will understand the depth that Steven Mark goes to bring this idea outward.

Next on the EP we have Lift The Burden which is a slower song with a lovely guitar holding the backup. We have all had to ask ourselves if we are actually accepting our true feelings, and if we have yet to do so, Lift The Burden. Sometimes we lose friends and family and it hurts. But must we always stay burdened by the sorrows? Steven Mark doesn't think so, and he's ready to reach out and show you that we can beat it together.

And for the final track on this EP ends on a meaningful song that sounds like a forlorn love letter never sent to the one that got away. Was it all worth it? Could we have done it differently? Could we have saved what we once had? These are the questions I find myself asking after listening to Sugar Butterfly. Contrasted to the uplifting tone of the music, the mood is mixed between melancholic and hopeful simultaneously. This is truly a marvelous feat. I strongly recommend you Follow Steven Mark on Spotify.

I urge you even more to support independent artists and purchase this EP over Apple Music and Bandcamp when it becomes available September 4th, 2020.

You can also visit his personal website: STEVENMARKMUSIC.COM for more information.

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